According to a statement from Vivek Agrawal, CEO of the Prime Minister Kisan Mahant Nidhi Yojna, it has come to know that the next installment of the Prime Minister Kisan Mahan Nidhi Yojana will begin in the accounts of the farmers within next 24 hours. Whether you will get it or not the second installment.
Second installment of Prime Minister Kisan Award Fund Scheme:
The second installment of the Prime Minister Kisan Adhash Nidhi Yojana, the biggest scheme of the Modi Government attached to the farmers, has not yet come to the farmers' account, but in the next 24 hours, 32 million 75 thousand farmers can get the amount. Vivek Kumar Aggarwal, CEO of the Prime Minister Kisan Mahant Nidhi Yojana, has shown that since the 5th of April, the money will start reaching the farmers' account. According to Agarwal, the first installment was sent to 3 crore 27 thousand farmers till March 31, whereas 4.7 crore farmers had applied before the implementation of the code of conduct.
Election Commission's directions were made:
The Modi government had sought permission from the Election Commission to issue the second installment of the Prime Minister Kisan Award Fund Scheme. The Election Commission granted permission but with a condition, a taxation instruction was placed on sending the installment by the Election Commission, according to the Election Commission, the next installment of the year 2000 will be sent to those farmers whose applications are applicable to the code of conduct (March 10) Had been done before
Modi opponents had targeted the farmer's scheme:
The farmers are getting cash from the farmers' Nidhi Yojana, due to which the scheme has been on the target of the opponents from the very beginning. On 24th February 2019, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi had announced the grant of Rs 6000 per year to 12 crore farmers from Gorakhpur and on the same day a senior Congress leader P. Separ had tweeted "Cash for the day" for "Vote Today". The Modi government has planned to give the farmers a bribe of 2000 to get votes and the Election Commission is also unable to stop it.
According to sources, it has been found that the farmers of the farmers who have been registered will be given benefits of this scheme in the first phase and the farmers who have not been registered for farmers, they will first get their farmer registration It is to be done and then apply for PM farmer's scheme, only then will they get the benefit.
The official also informed that in many states like Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, the records of land have been digitized, states like Telangana, Odisha, Jharkhand also have such information, the scheme has also been announced in the state. is .
The official also informed that under the PM Kisan Yojana, the beneficiaries are being worked very hard for the first two installments to be given before the election. In total, before the Lok Sabha election, the beneficiaries' accounts are expected to get ₹ 4000.
Government has issued guidelines for the Prime Minister's Kisan Award Fund Scheme:
The government has fixed February 1, 2019 for determining the eligibility of the beneficiaries under the scheme, and after this, for the next 5 years no changes will be made to get the benefit under the scheme.
People, who owned the land between December 1, 2018 and January 31, 2019, will be eligible to receive the benefits under this scheme.